B) Try to make as much money as the original, but with a terrible script, less money, and MUCH less passion. Unfortunately Silent Hill: Revelation sets out to do two things: A) Continue the story SOMEWHAT from the first film to satisfy Silent Hill fans while having characters reveal story lines piece by piece in "plot dumps" that seem forced and out of place.

I really enjoyed the original (as well as the games) and wanted this one to be good as well. he just feels out of place throughout the film. Kit Harrington from the popular HBO series "Game of Thrones" is supposedly a high school student along with the main character, but unfortunately he looks (and is) 26 years old. throw in some scenes where swords thrust out toward the audience even though this kind of gimmicky nonsense breaks any feel of authenticity the movie might have had, even when watching it without the 3D glasses. This sequel is so cheesy and pretentious that in order to call itself a horror film there needs to be long quiet pauses followed by doors slamming or monsters making loud noises causing the audience jump.

The original had none because of the great story/plot which gave the entire film a terrifying & unnerving feel. Editore: Sony Computer Entertainment, Titolo videogioco: Silent Hill 2. 1) A much smaller budget than the original (20 mil vs 50 mil). Serie videogiochi: Silent Hill, Genere: Azione/Avventura.